Sons of Anarchy is a show on FX that is about the lives of a close-knit outlaw motorcycle club. The show centers on protagonist Jackson “Jax” Teller, initially the vice president of the club, who begins questioning the club and himself.
In this particular season we were told that nobody could be trusted… not even your brothers. Everyone was going to have to watch their own backs.
– SONS OF ANARCHY – DIRECTION 01 –In this direction I wanted to show the protagonist running from something… that something is represented as this all consuming darkness. That something could be his future. It could be his past, in a lot of ways its his present… regardless, there is an ever present darkness that he is running from. Its always there and threatening to swallow him whole.
– SONS OF ANARCHY – DIRECTION 02 –In this direction my concept was The Ouroboros. The Ouroboros is a depiction of a serpent eating its own tail, and in doing so making a cycle. It is a symbol of eternity, of the cyclical nature of life, and of something that lasts forever because at its end is its own beginning. In western culture, the snake also symbolizes treason or betrayal.
The characters of sons of anarchy are stuck in this life/cycle. Its a world where violence/treachery begets more violence/treachery. And the more someone tries to get out; they only manage to dig themself in deeper. Nobody can be trusted. There will always be someone who will stab you in the back, even those
that were once your brothers… and if not them, then you are that person. You are your own worst enemy.I also took the photos of the snake for this direction.