The Americans is a Tv show on FX that takes place during the cold war. It centers around two Russian spies who are deep under cover in America as a married couple.
– THE AMERICANS – DIRECTION 01 –In this direction my concept was blacked out documents. I really liked the idea of hidden information, and the animation of these black lines covering things up and revealing things really appealed to me.
– THE AMERICANS – DIRECTION 02 –In this direction my concept was photo contact sheets. Because of the time period that this show is set in, it stands to reason that any type of espionage photography or photos taken to plan out assignments would be taken on film. I wanted to show a mix of family photos in with their spy photos, blurring the line of what is for the mission and what is their new life that they’ve come to know and love.
– THE AMERICANS – DIRECTION 03 –In this direction my concept was “just beneath the surface”. Obviously on the surface they are this nice american family with a home, kids, jobs, etc. But just beneath the surface: the mission. I went the route of “on the nose” for this one because I also liked the idea of blood in the water, a drop of life (their life in the united states) that contaminates the mission.
– THE AMERICANS – DIRECTION 04 –In this direction my concept was pretty straight forward: secret codes.
– THE AMERICANS – DIRECTION 05 –In this direction my concept was propaganda posters. My goal was to come up with a very graphic direction. With the flag I wanted to show that one of these stars is not like all the others…